How To Cure Vata Dosha At Home. Snehana oleation- oral administration of oil ghee fat and external oil massage. These qualities are opposite to those of fat.
Perform a Vata oil massage on your full body then bathe or shower Add in grounding mediation or exercises to balance the airy nature of vata. Slow rhythmic strokes with generous amounts of oil are extremely vata-pacifying. Add ¼ tsp of cinnamon to a warm glass of milk.
Hence external and oral treatment with oil fat is very beneficial to treat Vata Dosha imbalance.
Regular self-massage with warm sesame oil is the number one remedy against aggravated vata and its symptom of anxiety. Most oils are wonderful for calming vata but ghee or liquid sunshine as we like to call it is the most effective for balancing and supporting agni. These are amazing treatments for most Pitta issues but unfortunately strongly aggravating to Vata dosha as they tend to increase dryness anxiety and spaciness. See Vata food guide.