Harry Potter Care Of Magical Creatures Owl Quiz. And with that, your care of magical creatures o.w.l. Hermione granger’s took the form of an otter.
You can see into the deepest parts of someone and correctly interpret what you find. Here's the test to see what you would get in care of magical creatures. My version of the hogwarts care of magical creatures owl exams, which take place in fifth year.(most of the questions involve creatures from fantastic beasts and where to find them)(it is reccommended that you revise before this test)
This is kind of like would you rather, i'll give you 2 options based on harry potter stuff and you have to chose between them (if you havent read the books some of them might not make sense)
Www.supermanatee10.webs.com here, you can take more o.w.l.s, read character biographies, vote in the poll, read h.p. This took the form of his father’s animagus form and patronus. Just a few clicks and you will soon know when one you are! You can see into the deepest parts of someone and correctly interpret what you find.