Hair Treatment Keratin Side Effects. It is always advised that you go to a reputed salon as there are also some side effects of the keratin treatment. No doubt, keratin treatment reduces the maintenance charges to some extent, the treatment itself is quite expensive.
(some keratin treatments, for example, saturate the hair with a formaldehyde solution—yes, formaldehyde—before the hair is dried and flatironed. Most commonly, people use keratin as a hair straightening treatment. When inhaled, formaldehyde can cause throat and eye irritation, nausea, and skin sensitivity.
There are some other side effects of keratin treatment for hair.
These were some of the most common side effects of keratin hair treatment. The treatment may lead to deterioration of hair texture. Keratin is a distinctive sort of protein in your skin, hair, and nails. Keratin hair treatment is safe but sometimes the chemicals present in it may cause mild discomfort or have side effects.