Care Of Dying Patient Procedure. Procedure on expected death of a resident i.e. Independence and dignity are central issues for many dying patients, particularly in the elderly.
As well as directing the emphasis of care to become comfort based and ceasing unnecessary interventions, improving the awareness of dying can enhance communication for the patient and family, enable discussion about place of care and assist the patient with their final wishes. Home » resources » the dying process. Creating a peaceful environment to the patient’s liking.
As nurses, we cannot with 100% certainty ensure that each of our patient’s dying process will go smoothly without any problems.
The goals are to prevent or relieve suffering as much as possible and to improve quality of life while respecting the dying person's wishes. Provide the benefit from hospice care for dying patients and their families; Comfort care is an essential part of medical care at the end of is care that helps or soothes a person who is dying. So all possible care should be given to alleviate pain.